MTech Projects 2017-2018 in Chennai


Real-Time Projects provides MTECH based projects in Chennai on the way they wish to progress their career. We provide IEEE students projects from the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 M.Tech projects in Chennai must have provides always start with a vision while doing the project in our centers because the projects play a vital role in shaping their future.

 Students must first select the subject, which is best for them, and must select the field they like the most. They can take guidance from their seniors, as they have already gone through the stage, and can provide them with some vital tips. Candidates can also seek assistance from their professors and can approach them with their ideas and thoughts and if they are unable to decide on any project topics, they can even approach their professors to know about the latest developments in their field of study. Besides these, students must also choose a guide, who has extensive experience in the field in which they are doing the project.

 Candidates are bound to make mistakes or they might get stuck somewhere with no way out, thus the guide will prove to be of great help at the crucial moment.After starting the project, the candidates must meet their guide at least once a week because this will help their speed and motivation keep going. Several training institutes are also working to help candidates in their final year projects. These institutes offer complete guidance on the project and keep track of the progress of the project. Thus, students are consistently motivated to keep going with their project work and complete well within the time frame.


SNO Projects List
1 Insurance Management System
2 Warm House Management System
3 Web Based Healthcare Portal
4 Atm Reporting System
5 Cargo Management System
7 Courier Management System
8 Credit Card Fraud Detection
9 File Transfer Using Cryptography
10 Vendor Information System For Shipping
11 Supermarket Management System
12 Student And Teacher Interaction System
13 Civil Registry Management System
14 Bus Reservation System & Online Bus Ticket Booking System
15 Hostel Management System Project
16 Cable Operator Management System
17 Blood Donation Management System
18 Petrol Bunk Management System
19 Smart Knowledge Provider
20 Ice Cream Parlour Management System
21 Laptop Services System Asp.Net
22 Online Human Organ Donation System
23 Skill Activity Tracking System
24 Web Based Cab Booking System
25 Web Based Billing System
26 Auto Finance Management System
27 Agriculture Market Information Management
28 Software Project Organization System
29 Back to My Village .Net Project
30 Advertising Agencies
31 Creating a Customizable Personal Blog using ASP.NET